Sleep Disorders in Children

Sleep Disorders in Children

Sleep Disorders in Children

Sleep disorders in children are not uncommon, they vary from night terrors and sleep walking to severe breathing problems.

Around thirty percent of children have sleep disorders in their early days. The sleep-ecosystem history of a person is a really important aspect when diagnosing sleep problems. A child cycles between light and deep sleep stages during sleep. Throughout each light sleep, there’s more chance for your child to wake up.

Typically, school aged children will need nine to a dozen hours of sleep during the night. If your child can go to bed, fall asleep, wake up very easily and not seemed tired throughout the day, then he gets adequate sleep.

The most typical sleep disorders in children include bad dreams or nightmares, sleepwalking and talking, bruxism, head slamming or rolling and wetting the bed.

Sometimes a youngster’s fear of the dark can lead to worse sleep problems over time. This often leads to bad dreams.

Walking in your sleep is a undamaging disorder if the parents can make the surroundings safe. Talking while sleeping is likewise undamaging.

Most kids are head rollers or head bangers in their sleep. It is another undamaging disorder that would normally go away before teenage years. It is recommended to consult a physician in case of extented occurrence of wetting the bed.

The most typical breathing disorder based on sleep disorders in children is apnea. It’s very common in toddler aged children.  Its symptoms are snoring, disturbed sleep, breathing disruption, chronic mouth breathing, sweating, difficulty waking up, wetting the bed and difficulties with school functionality.

Pediatric sleep problems are mainly treatable conditions. Sleeping disorders in children sometimes need medical help and parents should always act based on recommendations of a doctor.

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